Project information

  • Problem: Text Classification
  • ML Areas: Natural Language Processing
  • Learning technique: Supervised Learning
  • Tools: Python, Pytorch, Git, Pandas, NLTK, Spacy
  • Project date: April 2021 - July 2021
  • Project URL: Financial Sentiment Analysis project

Financial Sentiment Analysis



Pytorch Flask Streamlit Pandas

Programming Language:




The goal of this project is to give you the chance of looking at the dependence between the news sentiment of a company with respect to its share price. This project is one part of a main project still on its way, which aims to provide a financial analysis platform.


News data are taken from the polyglon AIP, using the stocks basic API plan account.


The project structure is based on a server side, which manages the calls to the sentiment analysis model, and a client side, that show a UI. The server provides a service API for the inference of the model and the extraction of news and stock data, while the client is developed as a platform, generated with streamlit, that allows the user to interact with the server side, searching the interested companies to be analyzed.


We developed the sentiment analysis model as a neural network model, based on fine-tuning of an existent pre-trained model. We trained and experimented different models, until we reached the best one. In order to keep our model private, we provide just a pre-trained model as a sentiment analysis model, that is the transformers model taken from hugging face

How to run

  1. Create a new virtual environment
    python -m venv ./venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install --upgrade pip
  2. Clone the repository and move to the downloaded directory
    git clone
    cd financial-sentiment-analysis
  3. Request Polyglon's API key (FREE)
  4. Write the given key in 'files/api_key_polyglon.txt'
    echo API_KEY > files/api_key_polyglon.txt
  5. Install the requirements
    pip install requirements.txt
  6. Run local server and dashboard
    streamlit run
  7. You're ready to go!

How to contribute

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Do the desired changes
  3. Make a pull request

Demo (GIF)


Linkedin Portfolio

Linkedin Portfolio